ITI9200 - Introduction to Category Theory and its Applications


First lecture: January 29, 2024.
Last lecture: May 16, 2024.


We all are in the CYB building - Akadeemia tee 15/2, 12618 Tallinn


An introductory course on category theory and its applications in (computer) science.

Good references for studying category theory are:

Lecture notes


Exercise sheets should be submitted to Fosco Loregian by email (, write "ITI9200" as subject), or handed in physically at the start or end of a lecture.


The grade will be assigned based on two exercise sheets during the lecture course, and a final oral exam. For the final exam, you will choose a topic and give a short presentation about it.

Victor Brauner, Arche-chat, 1948,
Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art
(Cornell University), Ithaca, NY, US.